Monday, July 17, 2006

Courtney takes SILVER in Mtn. States Cup!

Court and Jimbalaya Roff made for the Mtn States Cup race in Colorado, where Court was in first by only SIX points overall. He'd be way out in front, but they allow short track points in, and he hasn't done any of those yet. Sunday's race was F*****G HOT, and humid as well. Court blasted off at the gun, and actually LED THE ENTIRE RACE...except the last ten feet. Sorry Court! His arch rival, Dirty Dirt-Bag, sucked his wheel all the way to the finish and squeeked him at the line. BUT GREAT JOB anyway to Court for a stellar race! Thanks to Jimbo for pitting for him.

Did I mention that I am a HUGE fan of all you guys and gals out there in Backbone Land?

Cap'n Chris


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