Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Scottsdale NCS Race Report/Friday

Oh my God. Note to self..."self, do NOT stay up late with Meghan and her peeps until 1:30 a.m. drinking pitchers of micro-brew." Oh yeah, and don't drink before the late night drinking begins.
So the day started with the dawn as Taylor and I rolled out to the venue. We only had Vanessa's time trial at noon to attend, but wanted to see that KENDA was manned at all costs. Vanessa's only goal per my instruction was to beat Heidi K. After that was accomplished, we all drank beer and laughed. The time trail was two hours late (nice job again, USA Cycling) so evryone was well beyond their food and hydration rituals. I sat out on the course and watched as Vanessa sped through the first leg of her first stage race. We almost missed the planned Titus visit in Tempe, but managed to squeek it out and see all the sweet Titus bikes and great employees. We re-connected at a local pub and proceeded to get worked over by micro-brews. Having the Roff's out was a special treat for the entire team, and Jim admitted his homosexual love for Bert. It was a teary-eyed moment for the both. After we went home, my friend Meghan arrived with her man and that's all I remember. Hey, where are my pants?


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