Where Have All The White Rappers Gone?
Where have they gone? Has global warming made the white rapper an endangered or extinct species? Eminem, the Beastie Boys, Vanilla Ice...all dead. O.K., maybe they just wish they were dead and their careers are dead. I had such high hopes for them. Bucking the system that said "hey cracker, you can't do that!" they ran headlong into the thug life. Were the lessons learned by Tupac (gunned down on the Vegas strip) and Vanilla Ice (skinned alive by midgets on L.A.'s Ventura Boulevard in 2002) not enough to deter them?
Breakin' and Breakin 2-Electric Boogaloo were my two favorte movies. It made me also want to be a white rapper. The social pressure was too much for an eight year old, so I decided to stay in elementary school and eat paste. What could have been..
If there is a God, someone will find a pair of male and female white rappers in the woods or along the banks of the Amazon and breed them in captivity. We can't sit idly by and allow them to just "..fade away into Bolivian." That was an actual quote from boxer Iron Mike Tyson. Just thought I'd keep it real....
******White-Pac O' Coors, one of the last White Rappers seen in the wild.**********
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