Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Fuzzbucket Back In The Hopsital

He was in, he was he is back in.
Ara had been diagnosed with blood clots behind his knee a few weeks ago, and had been doing well enough to be released to ride again just two weeks ago. I have been informed by The Fuzz that he is now back inside Glendale Hospital. The clot is back. For those of you unfamiliar with the blood-thinner process, it is a total pain in the chamois.

Weekly drives to a crowded hospital take time away from work. The blood thinners are dangerous. The tests always involve a needle each week. Blah. We are hopeful that he will recover, but he is sad that he will be forced to miss the final cyclocross race of the So Cal Cross series, the Turkey Trot. Our thoughts and prayers are with our Fuzz!


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