Solvang Prelude Ride
Saturday was a rough day for me. I was at Desi's NFL Network party until midnight on Friday, drinking and looking at people like Slash, Deon Sanders, and Coach Jim Mora. I was home for about three and a half hours when Don Burke rang the bell (4:30am)to drive up to Solvang for a 50 mile road ride with TONS of hills. Hung over, sleep deprived and hungry, we met the rest of the guys. Three hours and 3k feet of climbing later (averaging about 16.5 mph) we arrived at the car. Don and I had gotten lost for a short while, because some smart event coordinator from ANOTHER ride had painted his arrows the same as ours. many got lost, but since I know the area, Don and I only did about a mile more than we should have. After a healthy lunch of fried food and milkshakes, we headed home. Great weather, and the knowledge of a Sunday EASY paced mtb ride was making me happy.
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