Thursday, May 08, 2008

Lyd's Thirsty Ear Performance!

Lyd totally dominated last night at the Thirsty Ear...with the help of Mr. Billy Zen's guitar. Lyd's guitar just crapped reason, just crapped out. Luckily it was BEFORE she got on the stage. Ben, Amanda and Joe came out to a crowded house to watch. It was a great time, and while she played Rufus Wainright's song "Goin' To A Town" EVERYONE was paying attention and you could have heard a PIN DROP! She actually played two sets to everyone's delight, and it was nice for her to missed by all the regulars. She is planning to be back at The Thirsty Ear next week, so come have a pint and hang out!

Local Lyd fans Ben, Joe and Amanda hanging out for a beer...or five!


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