Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Deer Valley Pix From WFVB

Roger is seen here pointing the way to the Port-O-Let for the poor bastard who tried the "chili-dog-and pork-rind breakfast burrito" from the Deer Valley, Utah concession stand. World Famous Vegas Bob sent in these pix from the race a couple of weeks ago. He and Roger drove all the way back to So Cal after Ryan's Sunday a.m. xc race. Thay had to pass some amazing countryside to get back to Cali, and probably sit in some ridiculous Vegas Sunday traffic, as well. Roger has been killing it as the XC team manager, and as the KENDA sales rep too. That ain't a bald head, that's a solar panel for a SEX MACHINE!

Bert is seen here on his pre-ride wearing his 2007 National Champ Team Kit that Ed from Voler hooked up for him. Note the Stars and Stripes on his sleeves and collar....that doesn't mean that his mom was Betsy Ross (who didn't actually make the forst flag anyway..but we'll get to that later), it means he was the fastest in the nation in 2006. Recollyze, bitches!

Ryan Blanchette is seen here doing his best Chris impersonatiion...y'know, SWEATING LIKE A FAT BASTARD. Big difference is, he actually raced his bike at elevation. I look like that after taking a crap. Damn the midwest and their tater-tots smothered in fried chicken gravy! Thanks to Vegas Bob for the great pix. I wish I had one of Vanessa's face when her cranks exploded during her race. I could use that photo strip paint from the walls of my house. What sucks is she may have actually been in the top 3 at the finish had that bike help up..


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