Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kenda Does More Than Bike Tires!

In case you didn't know, KENDA actually makes a S**T-LOAD (the official Texas unit of measurement) of rubber products. They cover your needs in more than just bike tires. They make pond liners, foam airless innertubes for wheelchairs, roofing materials, golf cart (not a sport) tires......and CAR AND LIGHT TRUCK TIRES! They sponsor a kick-ass DODGE VIPER with a team of two other drivers/vipers. Our guy is
Jeff Courtney, and his Viper is an ass-kicker. His teammate sits on the pole position, while Jeff sits in spot number three. We attended the race at Mid-Ohio to shoot the race for KENDA, and maybe to get Lyd some publicity. She was the POLE POSITION FLAG GIRL (insert joke here..)for the start of the televised race! Speed Channel had Lyd all over it! Her driver won the race too, so HOLLA'!!

If you win the race on legs...she wins.

All we needed was a trailer park and a wife beater...and some PBR.

I was strangley drawn to this truck....

I was unaware that KENDA had a green logo...but they do now!

Flag girl numero uno....seriously, that was cool as hell.

Waiting to roll out on the starting grid, and into the homes of everyone watching Speed Channel!

All the jokes about hillbillies and NASCAR are true....check the spelling on the tires. It wasn't a mistake, all four had that awesome bit of home-schooling.

Kenda makes Cooper tires as well! Now you can kit your roof, pond, motorcycles, bikes, AND the car!

Oh, and by the way..that Excavator tire I have in the front (26 X 1.95) is an ass kicker, and has forever replaced my NEVEGAL.
Look here soon for a write up on how best to sipe that tire for maximum turnability, turned in by Chuck-T!


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