Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Abel Vaca's Birthday! Bring a Dolla' and Holla'!

MIRA! Orale cabezo de huevos!! Chimichanga chalupa fajita! Que Sabor! It's motherf*****g ABEL VACA's birthday today, bitches! He has called me already from the Spearmint Rhino behind my old house, and said he likes that smell of stripper glitter-laced perfume on his face. He will be drunk and disorderly by dinner time, and may or not be sending a married woman who has five kids...each with a different last name...home with the contents of his Bank Of America ATM card. Abel is one Vato Loco, and hopefully his homies at Wet design will keep him from getting the HIV tonight. Abel likes long walks on the beach, poetry, making picnics,....


Abel just bought into a time share system, so he may well be spending all available time in some remote island resort sipping umbrella drinks. OR, like most time shares, he will find that all the dates he wants to stay in one are taken, or if he DOES go to one, they will have quadruple over-booked his room so he has to sleep in the streets. God love timeshares. ANYWAY, if you see Mr. Vaca-Nava on television, please tell him to run if anyone asks him if he "...wants any sweet tea?"

Allright, allright...I miss Abel a ton and hope he has a great night of really bad things. He called me today and told me he visited Beauford last Sunday, and that the old man is getting blind now, and bumps into things a lot. I MISS MY BOY, and hope he is at least feeling OK, even if he can't see.

Abel has a sick new XTR equipped TOMAC CARBIDE he has been riding since his doctor cleared him. His wreck early in the season has kept him out, but he'll be back in very soon....


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