Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Fontucky Race Sunday!

Well, race fans, it never really is over here in the Golden State, is it? It's mid-November, and all the other states in the Union are cold and dismal. It's 80 degrees here, and we still have the option to do a race about every weekend. And you thought you'd get to save some money in the winter...HAH!
This weekend, in Fontana, nestled between the 60 and 10 freeways, some talented Backbone racers will be doing their thing at the Southridge race. Sunday we will have Jay, Conor, Taylor, and Flyin' Ryan Parker going for Gold. If anyone has a Sunday to spare, come on out to the KENDA e-z up and help me drink beer and watch the guys tear it up! Post-race wrap up will follow the race.
Anyone NOT racing down for a ride on Saturday?



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