Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May Is National Bike Month!

May is "National Bike Month!" We actually get an entire MONTH to be nice to our bikes. How cool is that? This month, try and ride the ol' beater in to the office a couple of times a week, and save that $3.40 a gallon gas for getting to the Nationals in Fontucky this weekend. A few tips for us riders?
KNOW THE LAW. They change often, and some things may surprise you....like the fact that just because you are in a large pack, does NOT mean you can blow through red lights.
WEAR A DAMN HELMET....because no matter how dorky they look, you look a lot dorkier in a one-size-fits-all body bag.
BE NICE. If that dumb-ass on the cel phone didn't kill ya at that intersection, he'll want to after you drag him from his car and bludgeon him with a shock pump.

Motorists aren't exempt, either. For the record...we actually DO have a right to legally ride on the pavement! It's actually against the law to ride on the sidewalk. Give riders a TON of room if possible...that little white stripe isn't an invisible shield, it's a suggestion and by no means are riders obligated to stay within it. Roads have glass, open doors, pets, potholes, etc that frequently cause riders to need to MOVE AROUND. Please look before pulling out of anywhere, and check all sides before cracking that door open!

Now get out and ride!


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