Friday, January 18, 2008

Football Vs. Bike Ride Sunday.

****Archive shot from when Snow Summit actually allowed racing****

Sunday is a big decision day. Do I ride early, then come home and watch the games? Do I get drunk Saturday night and just stay that way until the first kickoff? If the Chargers weren't in it, would anyone west of the Rockies care at all?
My answer lies somewhere between the two. It supposed to be in the 'teens here..and YES, I will expect jokes on that I think I'll be getting up and having coffee, then watching an entire day of football related television. The only place to do a dirt ride is Alum, and they close in whet it gets we are baseball players or something. If it freezes hard enough, I'll be able to roll with impunity with my home-slice Brian. If not? Beers by 10am. What will it be like in Co and CA? Probably perfect, so please DON'T call me and tell me how nice it is, or how you spent the day on Santa Ana River Trail. In fact, call and lie to me. Tell me it's 9 degrees and Malibu is under a thick blanket of snow. So what will it be, bikes, ball, or both?


At 7:30 PM, Blogger Vegas said...

OK, I WON'T tell you about my 5 hr ride/hike that I did instead of watching the boob tube! I heard a rumor that some people were playing football somewhere, though. Couldn't tell ya.

Oh, I also won't tell you that I was only forced to put on arm warmers for the last hour of the ride, cuz the sun went down. And lights? Who needs lights??? The almost full moon was gorgeous and made ripping up the last 1/2 hr of singletrack a whole lotta fun!

Oops, sorry dude.

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Vegas said...

Who is that pic of, anyway? I'm pretty sure that guy ain't on our team.



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