Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Like the mighty Kraken of ancient times (and my favorite movie, Clash Of The Titans), my nose hair has reached that point where it has become, in a word, gnarly. I used to laugh at my father as a child for having these hanging tendrils that would emerge from his nasal passage like an ancient sea creature swallowing a frigate. I would secretly mock him for not paying attention to this, and would not-so-secretly fear for the lives of children who may get too close and be snapped up by these wiry appendages.

Why are we still producing so much nose hair? I could understand it living in arid places like the Sonoran Desert or North Africa where sand and dirt could penetrate the lungs....but why have we not evolved beyond that in places where the mighty winds of the Scirocco are not prevalant?

NOT my nose...but it could be...so watch yourself...

Tweezers are the only way to manage this I think. You also have to be a bit of a masochistic bastard, too, because it doesn't tickle. Randy Rush is a masochistic bastard...or just a bastard (I don't know who his dad is, and he may not either, hence the bastard part).

Wookie my ass...this dude just fell asleep and woke up two days later. His nose hair had taken over his body, then he got a job on The Munsters and Star Wars.

I have to yank these things out so hard sometimes I feel like my butt just blew an O-ring, and it makes me cry like a Swedish wrestler who won the Bronze.

It takes a TON of maintenance to keep the hair from overtaking my entire face...which wouldn't be a bad thing...but still a lot of work. Is there an answer to the problem? Maybe the great "FLOWBIE" can help.

Maybe not....

THIS JUST IN FROM SIGMA's JAMES KELLER! A video on just this topic!


At 12:05 PM, Blogger Vegas said...

Dude, they make a precision instrument for this affliction. Umm, so I've heard. I hear it has a little nostril shaped safety cover with holes in it, under which there is a spinning blade. The hairs check in...

...but they don't check out.

I'll find some schematics to send you.

Tweezers BAD! NO YANKY!!!

At 7:40 AM, Blogger rushman said...

I partialy agree VB but YANKY should be for your CRANKY

At 7:54 AM, Blogger rushman said...

Captn. thanks for the pub (I guess)
its been a long time but I'll be back. now on to this post I've been told I'm lucky because I'm not a hairy person and what I do have I shave off anyways, but nose hair is a fucking pain literally because Kim will see one and then it's on with the twezzers and that shits makes me want to cry like a ten year old tha just shit his pants on the playground at school so I know were your coming from.Now on to the masochistic bastard thin this is me to a tee and I do know who my dad is but I;m still a bastard and thats ok but as far as masochisim that shit is RAD.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Vegas said...


At 12:06 PM, Blogger Vegas said...

...I guess you'd know, you're married, right??? ;)

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Vegas said...

AAAAAAAAHA! That video is Great!!!


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