Monday, October 23, 2006

The Importance Of Support

What sets this team apart from most, in my casual observance of said teams, is the amount of support we have. It comes in spades from within the team itsself, but is found also in the folks who come out to watch and be a part of something different for a day.
For Sunday's California State Final, Robert Monterrubio got up at 6:30a.m. to meet me at my house, so we could haul ass up and get ready for the Backbone peeps to arrive and prepare to race. Not long after, Roger the Tire Chief showed up with his girlfriend and female phenom xc racer Vanessa. Roger quickly set to work at the team pit helping in any way possible to ensure that OUR TEAM was set with everything we needed. Don Burke, electrician to the stars and all around great guy also came up, watching his first mtb race ever. Coming up from Burbank was the talented Ms. Julie Kuhnle, who came prepared with Tri-Tip sandwiches for the whole frikkin team!
HOW'S THAT FOR A FIRST TIMER, eh? Jules even brought her dogs for some action. Randy from SD stopped by for a brew after his race to meet the team, as well.
Ariel, the fastest guy you'll never get to meet in the Sport class, also continues to hang out with us and provide much needed support for the Backbone squad. He also races and most likely will pass you, so ride faster, ok?

I wanted to make sure I took the time to mention everyone, because without all the pieces that make up this puzzle, I wouldn't have NEARLY as much fun. Robert and I drank an entire case of Bass Ale before just can't get that kinda help anymore.:) So, on behalf of the Backbone team, and myself, I wanted to say a quick "THANKS" to everyone this year who has made it so much fun. That includes Jeff Williams' family back in Kentucky, the Roff's in CO, and all the knuckle heads here that keep me snorting sandwich bread out of my nose with laughter every weekend. You guys rock, and I hope on some level you enjoyed watching as much I do.
The 3 Amigos

Ariel in the sand trap

Roger and Vanessa chillin'

Robert, keeping an eye on his peeps

The crew watching out for Bert and Bob


At 10:35 AM, Blogger Fuzzy said...

Great job guys! Congrats to all who have had success and triumph this season, and a big Hoooyaaa for those without the bling but still rode out their big hearts.

have a safe and fun offseason !

the fuzz


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