Wednesday, November 08, 2006

K-Fed Single, And More Useless Than Ever

Kevin Federsleezy and Britney "Fetus Factory" Spears broke up today! Although it has no bearing on cycling (bearing, get it?) I thought it would be worth mentioning. Now that they are split up, should we start a timer to see how quickly K-Fed drops from the planet? Will Brit-Brit crap out one of Tom Cruise's Scientology freak children? Why can't Al-Quieda put out a hit on K-Fed, instead of a nine year old girl's birthday party? I'm sure the Secret Service could, uhh, take a bathroom break and let them slip onto the compound. Come on, just this once?



At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude ... if you ever write about this kinda crap again... I'm gonna send your computer the worst computer virus ever. Come on...

At 8:26 AM, Blogger Sharpie said...

DUDE! We hafta live here...just cuz you boned out to CO doesn't mean this stuff doesn't happen anymore! It's big news, because all the 40 year old guys who thought they had a chance with her BEFORE K-Fed can "live the dream" once again! haha


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