Sunday, April 05, 2009

Good Luck At Sagebrush Backboners!

The greatest team manager in the state of California, Mister Roger Hernandez will be out at today at the Sagebrush Safari race in San Diego looking after his team. One of the most enjoyable XC race courses ever (traditionally), this course wound up getting drastically changed this year due to a re-scraping by a BOBCAT dozer. The course is very sandy and loamy on the back-end, but Randy still like having at least ONE race that's within a four hour drive of his home.

Randy drove his team trailer out to Lake Morena at o-dark-thirty Friday morning and set up camp for the rest of the team. Roger and everyone else would arrive shortly thereafter. Many beers and red-meat-fests later, they had their pre-ride in and were drinking gobs of Amino Vital.

It was hard for me not to be there, an admittedly Lyd can see the pain in my face when the phone calls are over during the weekend's races. Hopefully this will be our last winter in C-Bus, and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the end of the month! Best of luck to everyone this weekend, and if your not racing, send good juju to the teammates that are. I have a feeling Vanessa will destroy people today out there, this a tough-girl course and she's just that.

After a drunken night of NCAA Finals, the Fuzziest is said to be driving down with hang-over in tow to race the Sagebrush. God I love mountain bikers!

Bert and his Carbide...yay for Carbide!


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