Wednesday, April 08, 2009

"Remember The Maine" On Your Tomac Type X

Riding through the town of Findlay, OH you can see an interesting relic of American maritime history. Inside the Hancock Historical Museum sits the bathtub from one of the most heated times in U.S. History. The U.S.S. Maine was sitting quietly in the harbor in Havana, Cuba on February 15th, 1898. A huge explosion rocked the ship, killing 266 men. Looking for a reason for some time to enter the Spanish American War, Ohio-born President McKinley's administration (and William Hearst) trumped up a story of sabotage, inciting fury with a battle cry "Remember The Maine!" It was discovered later that the ship had a colossal structural failure that wasn't the result of foul play. Here's the thing...the Main's bathtub was salvaged from the wreck!
An Ohio Congressman, Frank Willis got the tub first. It was then donated to Urbana, OH, then dumped on Findlay where it was unceremoniously used as a coal bin. Veterans began to complain, and the tub was placed in a glass case in the courthouse until all the Vets who could remember the Maine passed away. Findlay college Museum took it next, then Hancock Historical Museum took it over. After proudly cleaning Captain Charles Sigsbee's behind on board a jewel of the U.S. fleet, and being passed around like PBR 12 pack at a frat party, the old tub has finally settled at 422 West Sandusky Street, Findlay, Ohio.
You and your friend can ride your new TOMAC TYPE X's around Findlay and check out the tub that was too historically important to chuck in the dump, and too ugly for anyone to keep for too long.

Findlay has great trails to ride the bikes on, like the 35 mile long Blanchard River Greenway bike trail. Just 1.5 miles from the center of town, you can ride this and get back to the bathtub and spritz up a bit! Nothing like a scrub in a 114 year old tub, right?
Be thankful you are in Findlay on a Sunday breakfast ride if you stop and order Corn Flakes. Why? It's illegal to buy Corn Flakes in Columbus on a Sunday..but you'll be O.K. in Findlay!


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