Saturday, August 25, 2007

Vanessa's Bloggage

My sources of entertainment come in many forms. Vanessa's blog is one of those sources. It's a guilty pleasure that makes me laugh until spit-bubbles form on my lips. The entry entitled "Heading To Mayberry" is my favorite. The responses from people who can't seem to figure out that these things are actually entertainment are really quite funny. I may actually have laughed more at the ridiculous (and often poorly spelled) attacks on Vanessa's person, than at the blog article alone. Please, for the love of GOD, go to and read that entry and the corresponding responses.
"Yankee?" Really? How many of the people in the South still believe they actually FOUGHT in the Civil War? You are thirty, forgive my math, but I think it's impossible for you to have actually earned the right to say "Yankee." Dorks..get a date.


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