Monday, October 15, 2007

Jay Schippers To Move To Colorado

Ahhhhh the power of poon. Jay-Hood has decided to move from the So Cal 'hood and roll to Colorado, to be near his newfound love...Jim Roff. OK, not really..well, kinda'...he's going becasue the riding is great, the scenery is perfect..OH, and he has a SMOKIN' hot gilrfriend who lives there. I can empathize with that! Anyhow, once Jay goes, it will only be a matter of time before Fuzzy goes too.

Maybe we can move everyone there, and we can all be together once more in perfect beery bliss! Jay's girl is a hottie (I've seen the You Tube videos) and that's a good enough reason to move..although I am sure he'll tell you otherwise. Valencia Sport Group will allow him to continue his product developement from his new homestead.


At 2:03 PM, Blogger timari said...

hey, if the fuzz moves to colorado, that means he could just be a sherpa full time in the colorado rockies! it would be perfect! :)

At 3:53 PM, Blogger rushman said...

The big question is why would fuzzy move there does he have some of this poon you speak of that no one knows about hidden in the rockies to???????

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Vegas said...

Awesome. Rhoda should post pics of all her single nurse friends and then we can just mail order one and move there! I'll throw all my possessions in a covered wagon and when I get there I'll buy an acre and build a fine log cabin for us!

At 5:57 AM, Blogger Sharpie said...

Tom Wehe and Fuzz could live in an Alpine love shack, wearing liederhosen and eating schnitzel! They could talk about Rhoda and Bri, and Tom could explain the inner workings of a Rohloff hub!

At 8:59 PM, Blogger JIMBO said...

Wehe would love to talk about anything that has the letters R-O-F-F in it..

At 12:31 AM, Blogger rhoda said...

you guys are too funny. but if you are interested I do have a few other nursing friends who are pretty hot. NO JIM not the big girls!!!


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