Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Margaret Grey Eyes

Margaret Grey Eyes was the last of the Wyandotte Indians. Her father was said to be Squire Grey Eyes, a man of mixed British and Indian heritage. Her family had lived in the Grand Reserve, a twelve mile by ninteen mile reservation in what is now Wyndot County. She had attended the reservation's (called a "mission" by whitey) first school, also helping to build it's first church. She and then husband David Young and their children were moved to the res. in July of 1843. They were amongst the first to enter the Kansas City, Kansas facility. She and second husband John Solomon returned to Sandusky, Ohio in 1865 to live out the rest of their days. Her community efforts had earned her the nickname "Mother Solomon." She died in August of 1890, but not before returning once more to the Great Reserve in Kansas one last time.

****Mother Solomon's Chair***********************


At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She and her husband returned to Upper Sandusky, Ohio. They lived in a cabin near Mr. And Mrs. Parker who were friends. John worked for the Parker's because they were never able to buy a farm of their own.


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